Embracing Change and Rebuilding: My Journey of Resilience


Destination Wedding Photographer Julie Ferneau going through her damaged items after hurricane Ian.

This post is a tough pill to swallow, and to be honest, I’ve been putting it off. Blogging has never come easy for me, and I’m not one to share much of my personal life. However, it’s time to let you all in on where I’ve been, as I’ve been MIA for much of the last few years. While I’ve been working and photographing weddings and events, my online presence and social media activity have been non-existent.

Landscape view of the iconic white buildings in Santorini

The Rollercoaster Ride of 2019 and 2020:

Let’s rewind back to 2019 when Louie and I got engaged in the breathtaking Santorini, Greece. We ended the year with high hopes for 2020 – the best year in our business, planning our own wedding, and a year filled with destination weddings, travel opportunities, and exciting new episodes on my podcast, Photospark Show. We were brimming with excitement for the future.

Then 2020 happened – a year of unprecedented change. Unless you were living under a rock or away from planet Earth, you know what I mean. It brought unwanted, life-altering challenges, nerve-chilling moments, and significant financial setbacks. We were based in San Diego, CA, primarily serving the Los Angeles area for large-scale events. However, California’s ban on weddings and events turned our best year into the worst one financially. Weddings were postponed and/or canceled, new inquiries stopped pouring in, and my days shifted from purpose and passion to uncertainty and hope.

Navigating Stormy Waters:

Wedding planning came to a screeching halt, and the Photospark podcast took an unexpected hiatus. My co-host, Kate Mills, sadly resigned to be with her family during their own trying times. As a result, the podcast was put on the back burner. However, despite the absence from podcasting since then, I have grand plans for a relaunch (stay tuned for more details to come – go follow along on Instagram to get the latest updates!

In 2021, we made the decision to push back all wedding planning plans, change things up and move to Fort Myers, Florida, to be closer to family, save money, and work bi-coastally. I dedicated myself to building new relationships in Fort Myers, Naples, Tampa, and Miami, while also nurturing existing connections with wedding vendors in the San Diego/LA area. Slowly but surely, things started looking up again. I witnessed growth in my business as incredible couples booked me for their Florida weddings, and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Weathering the Storm:

Just as I thought the tide was turning in my favor, Hurricane Ian hit us like a wrecking ball (cue in Miley Cyrus). It was the worst thing that ever happened to us – we lost everything. Our home, our belongings, our momentum, and even our mental and physical stability were shattered. Despite considering myself a strong person with a solid support system, this storm broke me. It felt like getting kicked while I was already down. Fortunately, we were blessed with an amazing support system, and people from around the world reached out with prayers, donations, love, and support. To each and every person who offered their support, I am forever grateful. Thank you!

Embracing Change & Looking Ahead:

Enough about the bad and the ugly; let’s focus on the good. I’ve had ample time to reflect, process each setback, and devise a plan to overcome them. Here I am, telling you that I have enormous plans for Julie Ferneau Photography. I’m taking the Florida wedding market by storm, forging incredible connections, and building strong relationships. I’m currently booking new couples for destination weddings and engagements in the Naples, Tampa, Miami, and Boca Raton areas.

Continued Growth and Learning:

To kickstart my new journey, I joined an incredible Mastermind led by the esteemed wedding photographer, KT Merry. I’m fully committed to ongoing education, which has always been a top priority for me. I’m attending my first Engage! Summit at the storied The Boca Raton in Boca Raton, Florida December 11-14, 2023. The luxury event will have industry all stars to meet, learn from and network. This is just the beginning of great things to come for JFP.

The Relaunch of Photospark

The relaunch of Photospark is well underway, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. It’s a show with candid conversation about photography and business. Podcasting is not just a passion but also an opportunity to collaborate with some of the industry’s greatest experts, giving me a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Looking forward to the Future:

I’m genuinely excited about what lies ahead and fully embracing change, and I’d love for you to come along on this new adventure. Your love and support are essential to the success of my business, and I want you to know that you are truly appreciated.

Embracing Change: More to come!

Thank you for joining me on this journey of resilience, embracing change, and rebuilding. Stay tuned for upcoming educational blog posts covering fashion tips, engagement session advice, wedding planning, posing techniques, favorite local and destination locations, travel tips, and so much more. My to-do list is as long as ever, and I am motivated to make it all happen. Together, let’s create a future filled with growth, inspiration, and shared success.

Cheers to a bright future,
xo Julie

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